Investors and Partners
The creation and development of Metinburgh is dependent on the funding and ongoing partner support.
We are looking to work with partners across a range of industries
Infrastructure and software development companies who will enable us to accelerate development whilst providing a foundation for opportunities from new technologies.
There are opportunities for design partners to help with the design of the core infrastructure, the design of inter-operable items, the design of avatars and the design of virtual products
Marketing organisations who want to get involved with the exciting challenges in developing the Metinburgh customer base, and learning to market and engage with customers in the NFT-enabled metaverse.
The metaverse opens new challenges and opportunities in legal services. Areas such as ownership, copyright / patent, authentication and data protection will require new solutions.
Public Sector
We envisage a strong public sector engagement with Metinburgh, creating value through a number of areas - highlighted below.
Creative Industries
Metinburgh provides a catalyst for the creative industries, enabling a wide range of businesses to develop competencies and case studies.
Metinburgh provides a new channel to engage with members of the public.
Metinburgh has significant potential to create value for the Tourism sector. We have the ability to grow attendance in the real world through virtual engagement, and create new powerful experiences.
SME Ecosystem
Metinburgh provides an opportunity to create new customers and markets for SME businesses
Public Services
Metinburgh has the potential to learn from Seoul City's model of collecting payments and orchestrating public services through the metaverse.
Innovation ecosystem
Metinburgh is a platform for innovators to participate - both in the creation of the digital city, and in the delivery of new cross-over goods, services and experiences
Metinburgh provides a platform for creative solutions to support sustainability initiatives
Levelling Up
We anticipate using the ALBA coin and the Metinburgh environment to support levelling up initiatives (social, economic, academic)
Business model
Metinburgh is the first template of MetaPlace - our parent brand that has ambitions to create a worldwide network of regionally focused universes. Each universe has itself a compelling business model that combines recurring revenues (from subscriptions and leases), asset appreciation through the currency and transaction revenue. Together we gain benefits from network effects.
Our event based flywheel addresses the fundamental challenge of metaverse adoption - drawing participants in through continued compelling and varied events.
If you would like to know more and are interested in supporting future funding rounds, please get in touch.