Metinburgh is a platform that aims to merge those with a love or interest in Edinburgh with opportunities of the creative digital space
Our goal is to create a digital world based on Edinburgh, and to be a gateway to the Digital economy for Scotland. Metinburgh enhances the possibilities of the real city and provides a gateway to the education, economic benefits, and adventures possible only within the digital City.
For Users
A world of experiences intertwined with the City of Edinburgh
For Businesses
An opportunity to extend e-commerce sales and create unique products / services that link that physcial to the virtual worlds
For Public Sector
Metinburgh provides the opportunity to extend the skills in Creative Industries, leverage Scotland's education heritage and lead in 21st century tourism.
For Events Organisers
A way to expand your reach, enhance and extend a physcial event
For Investors
Metinburgh is the first instance in MetaSpace - a network of regional universes - with global reach and unique scale.
Our principles
Freemium: The platform is a navigable world, with right to access and roam with default avatar and settings as a free service.
Right to Roam: Free Users have access to publicly available spaces within Metinburgh. Purchased land or buildings are unlikely to restrict access but may operate VIP areas as is common practice.
Supportive and Informative: Users enter by selecting a chosen destination on the map. All first time users are offered to learn more about Metinburgh through an Intro course at UWS Metinburgh (automated)
Platform Agnostic: Metinburgh will be built to be accessed from any device (PC. Laptop, Tablet, Phone, VR Headset)
Meritocracy: Users interacting for free will be able to enhance their experiences through contribution to the world (designs and experimentation), completion of learning (certification), promotion and marketing or through the IDO development fund. This is not a pay to earn model, it is a merit based experience where participation is rewarded. The more you contribute, the more Metinburgh rewards you.
Non Trivial: All events, activities and primary landmarks will have a clear and non-trivial relationship with their real life counterparts.
Value and Utility: Real World Utility and the ability for people, assets and experiences to transcend the digital and physical worlds (or merge them) must be key to developing experiences and events in Metinburgh.
Diverse and Welcoming: Metinburgh is open to all regardless of race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, nationality, political leaning.
Multi Solutional: Metinburgh will be adaptable to differing needs of user groups, from accessible private spaces for learning and team building, through to gamified activities in Tourism. Each key user group must have bespoke solutions.
Democratic, by users for users: The long term direction of Metinburgh is determined by its users via voting and referendum, with Founder Token Holders having the highest percentage of weighting. It is a democratic platform.

Metaverse Statistics
mobile AR users by 2024
audience for Marshmello live concert
sales of metaverse real-estate to date
Metaverse Market forecast for 2030 by McKinsey
Our Partners